Our Team

Our Team Circle

The Senior Management Team comprises of an on-site Operations Director and Registered Home Manager who are both registered nurses and a Head of HR who is a Chartered Member of the CIPD who understands, guides and leads the whole team.

We have over 600 staff including more than 30 registered nurses from all nursing disciplines which enables us to provide clinical care and support across NG Healthcare. Our nursing staff come from a wide range of clinical backgrounds including General Nursing, Psychiatric and Learning Disability. Each of the units has at least one Registered Nurse on duty 24 hours per day. This not only aids the delivery of services of each units, but it brings a wealth of experience and expertise we share on site.

Each unit has a Manager who is part of the duty rota, and works to guide the whole team. We are now proud to be part of the new innovation in providing trained Nurse Support Workers on each unit. Our Nurse Support Workers are trained here on site and develop their skills in an active learning process on the units. The Nurse Support Workers and Care Coordinators direct and guide our Care Assistants.

Our units are housed in separate independent, purpose built facilities; Selwyn House, New House and Mayfield. All our units are within close proximity to each other and share our on site staff and training facilities.

GP Circle

A Retained General Practitioner

We go much further than the requirement to register clients with a local GP practice. We have a retained General Practitioner which ensures regular provision of medical advice as a matter of course. This enables us to ensure that a proactive and caring approach is maintained with both our own staff and that of the G.P. We have a ward round style visit twice a week with the G.P’s surgery being less than a mile from the centre it allows urgent assessments/consultations to be carried out between these times more accessibly.

More details about the G.P. Surgery itself can be found at:

Brinsley Avenue Practice
11 Brinsley Avenue
Trentham, ST4 8LT
Tel: 01782 657199
Fax: 01782 643503


Training Circle Training

We are proud to invest in our staff here at NG Healthcare and have invested in a purpose built Training Centre. We provide a large number of training sessions in house by qualified ‘Train the Trainers’. Where required, external Training is brought in and the Training Manager has a dedicated budget to ensure the best quality training can be commissioned and provided.

All carers have to have a minimum of or be working towards the Care Certificate and we work with local training providers who have assessors which visit and work with the carers here onsite to ensure ALL training is fully in context with equipment and resident groups the carers will be working with each and every day.

Physio Circle

External Professional Support

We can offer our residents either through the NHS or if they prefer to purchase private services; Chiropody, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Podiatry and a full range of GP services.

Nightingale Group Registered in England and Wales. Company Number: 02109114
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